Expedition Iberia 2014 “On Air”

For those that followed the trip of the Czechs on there recent expedition a video has come to life of them on the air from Tarragona in Spain I think it is. They can be heard calling back to Czech & Slovakia Republics.

Please click PLAYLIST at top left hand side and IBERIA is listed as number 8

A great video from a great channel and a reader of the blog and also the twitter, and from his location it seems he can really hear many things that are happening on the air.

Indeed our paths may have crossed while I was in France. The Iberia team arrived in a place where I was just a day or so after I had left. I wait now for summer 2015 and see which area they decide to visit.. Each year is something more interesting.


  1. Thanks so much. The hyperlink shows all your videos, that is the issue with it. So people get Norman & Iberia and all your videos 😉

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