Himalaya WB Water Proofing PL-259

As with all new antennas, radios etc Companies often now add a video about the new product in some way or form. This is now the case with the Himalaya WB and its waterproofing of the PL-259. Maybe obvious to some users but to others maybe not! Video is linked below

With social media here for the good and if course also the bad it’s great that many add material to the web

So for those who didn’t know it’s for you and got those who do know then all ok 🙂

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  1. I am going to use rg213 with mine so I will have to cut the cover anyway.
    My Himalaya WB arrived last Friday got mine from Knights who sent me an email saying I’ve got £10 off voucher on anything over £20 so I’m going to get some wall brackets off them.
    Just need a suitable pole, time and some better weather and it’s should be up soon.

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