President Andy ASC €149.90

Markus from NeunerFunk in Germany has thrown his hat into the ring and has the Andy a ASC now on his website with also the manual downloadable from the site. There is more than enough news about this radio online and if course those wishing the “extras” need to discuss this with the dealer upon purchasing the radio. Enhanced power mode and also the ability for expanded channels etc. This is best at time of purchase! And easier and safer

Direct link to page:


Band EU = 40 FM (4 Watt), 40 AM (4 Watt)

Band D = 80 FM (4 Watt), 40 AM (4 Watt)

Band EC = 40 FM (4 Watt) CEPT (kein AM)

Band U = 40 CEPT plus 40 UK-Kanäle (FM, 4 Watt)

Band PL = 40 FM (-5KHz, 4 Watt), 40 AM (-5KHz, 4 Watt)

Band IN = 27 FM (4 Watt), 27 AM (4 Watt)

And I’ve heard and not from Markus that the radio is sold out all production till later in the year.

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