Midland M Mini Export Mode

So in the past weeks we’ve looked at the radio from the picture that Markus had took from http://www.neuner.de and now we’ve opened the radio, lost the warranty and can provide you below with the full details of what is insid this super small radio and indeed the export area . It is indeed much smaller than we had expected and is indeed smaller than any Qixiang made radio for soldering.

10 metre mode: 28-29.695 Close OP2 and Open OP1

rU Mode: 25.615-30.105 Close OP1 and Open OP2

High Power Mode: Press PTT and RFGain when power on H comes on screen and to reverse it follow the same procedure

P0: Zero ending frequencies 25.610-30.110 With radio on Press RFGain for 3 seconds. The frequencies with show PA-PL on screen to signify the zero ending channels.

rU: Bands with show AE-LE in export mode with E meaning European ending (5)

Ham Mode: Bands are HA-HI to signify H (Ham mode)

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