“Russian Version” LT-308

Interesting and thanks Vlad for sending me this of the “Russian Version” of the Luiton LT-308 as he calls it. A radio that looks similar to the Team TS-9m and Allamat 408. All the usual things on the inside. Not sure what makes this Russia specific but thanks Vlad and happy to add it here online.

Frequency: 25.615~30.105MHz

• 4Watts or 10Watts CB radio

• Channels: E D EU EC PL UK US NZ

• Expand Mode Freq: RU PO PC

• Emergency call channel available (CH9).

• SQ function.

• ASQ function.

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One comment

  1. I have the LUITON LT308 it is smaller than the anytone Russian version is 10 watts 240 channels band E 25.615-28.305MHz BAND P 25.610-28.300MHz. I have all the manuals to send.

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