3rd Anniversary Southern FM Net

Thanks go to Doug for the link to the video below. And your indeed correct it’s excellent to see these networks doing so well and being so well attended. It’s the life blood of CB, the passion of the operators and the going out in all weathers and to attend the net. Congratulations to all involved and look forward to the sixth year celebration.

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  1. Hiya Simon great info as per usual, just to give you a heads up as you have got good coverage, would you do a blog on eBay as there selling radios with all sorts of exaggerated specs, like the Stryker rs94hp having ssb, a load of guys are looking to get back into CB but some outlets are a minefield, like I bought a mirage mx25 on ebay being told it was expandable and left with a rig that only covers 28-29mhz, just a thought as I know your a busy guy. Thanks David

    • Hi David. Thanks for the message. eBay I have no idea they did this? Mirage MX-25 can be unlocked, I seem to recall it’s keypress system. But it’s Ranger Made I think so absolutely it’s unlockable. Thanks for your always great comments and thoughts.

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