Alinco DR-135DX June~July €209

I’ve been asked about this radio recently a few times and now I’ve a little information I can share it with you here. According to importers the radio isn’t currently manufactured but it is again expected in the summer between June ~ August was the maximum timeline but could also be in July. I’ve asked if changes have been made to the very old firmware which it shared with the CRE-8900 being V3.0 and V3.1 but can’t say now if any changes or not.

V3.1 Cloning Software:

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  1. Brilliant radio on all bands. Receive and transmit. Compact and durable. Love it for dxing. Adequate power too.

  2. Hope they add 12 meters in the new version (like 9900 V3 and Lincoln II+) 🙂

  3. Good looking radio…

    Why do they always keep the PA circuit? Who ever uses it?

    But I guess it is like ECHO…. they just have to put it in there… must be for the Amateur Radio ops… 😉

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