*NEW* Midland Dual Mike “VOIP Part”

Below we’ve got the original Italian language and the probably badly translated google idea of what it is. So if you want to know more then please look below. I’ve not seen the actual smart part of the system just used the app below for two weeks and spoke to a few friends in Germany, Italy, China and locally and after initial issues apps been updated and since then works great.


Il primo microfono che modula per due.

Dual Mike è il nuovo microfono per CB che ‘debutta online’ con il collegamento Bluetooth che consente la connessione allo Smartphone. Estremante innovativo e funzionale, Dual Mike è dotato di ptt analogico, microfono preamplificato, DSP per una migliore qualità della voce e light ring per le notifiche, oltre ad una batteria di lunga durata. Per parlare con i propri compagni di viaggio senza limiti.

Grazie alla nuovissima App CBTalk, Dual Mike permetterà di comandare il CB da microfono e di raggiungere una community molto più vasta e senza limiti di distanza che in tempo reale potrà condividere notizie e informazioni, come i dati sul traffico, sugli incidenti, eventuali emergenze, autovelox e qualsiasi notizia utile a chi è in viaggio. CBTalk App, dà vita ad una nuova community che proietta il CB direttamente nel futuro.

Con CBTalk App il microfono Dual Mike si collega al CB tramite collegamento a 4 pin 48 (disponibile anche versione 4 pin e 6 pin) e allo Smartphone via Bluetooth. L’applicazione consente di regolare la distanza (0-30 km) e i canali, di selezionare la lingua e di visualizzare la mappa con l’indicazione degli altri utenti in prossimità, con foto e indicazioni del nome e della lingua parlata.

Midland con Dual Mike ha raggiunto un traguardo importante, unendo i mondi analogico e digitale e, di conseguenza, rispondendo alle esigenze dei guidatori tradizionali e di quelli più aperti e ricettivi alle moderne tecnologie.


I’ve made many a QSO via the App and the sound was fantastic like any other VOIP. It’s worked excellent with contacts to Italy and Germany in “group” mode the last two weeks. Now it’s official let’s see how many users will be active on this as well as invest in the actual microphone itself. The iOS version is now available and was updated a few days ago as a few errors such as connect, disconnect and reconnect for no reason was noted.

Note: This was prepared during first two days of September but I was asked to delay it until the weekend when it was released.

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  1. The first microphone that modulates for two.

    Dual Mike is the new microphone for CB that ‘debuts online’ with the Bluetooth connection that allows connection to the Smartphone. Extremely innovative and functional, Dual Mike is equipped with analog ptt, preamplified microphone, DSP for better voice quality and light ring for notifications, as well as a long battery life. Talk to your traveling companions without limits.

    Thanks to the brand new CBTalk App, Dual Mike will allow you to control the CB from the microphone and reach a much wider community and without distance limits that in real time can share news and information, such as traffic data, accidents, any emergencies, speed cameras and any news useful to those on the move. CBTalk App, creates a new community that projects CB directly into the future.

    With the CBTalk App, the Dual Mike microphone connects to the CB via a 4-pin 48 connection (also available in 4-pin and 6-pin versions) and to the Smartphone via Bluetooth. The application allows you to adjust the distance (0-30 km) and channels, to select the language and to display the map with the indication of other users in the vicinity, with photos and indications of the name and the spoken language.

    Midland with Dual Mike has reached an important milestone, combining the analog and digital worlds and, consequently, responding to the needs of traditional drivers and those more open and receptive to modern technologies.

    Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator

  2. Hey Simon, a tip: use Deep L instead of Google Translation – the KI is better which leads to better results!

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