*I.O.T.A* Crete On The Air

Oh Boy! I hate to guess what these three people will be up to when they land on Crete. So for three days catch Joe, Angelo and Oliver from EU-015. As per usual QSL will be available and remember an SAE (self addressed envelope and $2) for the return card from the manager. I know all of the team and wish them massive success!!

90AT/EU-015 / Crete


13AT051 Oliver,

13AT125 Joe &

26AT093 Angelo

27/06 – 30/06/2019

QSLM: 93AT011 Norb

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One comment

  1. Hi Simon. Just worked this activation, Angelo on the key. 27.590 USB Strong propagation, 5/9 both ways. 18.12 UTC (GMT)

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