President McKinley NOW £249

Thanks to Sam whose wrote to me via the contact form telling me Knights in the United Kingdom has the McKinley now for £249 (guess plus shipping) and this is a much better price than it was before! In fact it’s the same price as the Grant II Premium at Knights. So I’ve had a look around. Prices exclude shipping I guess unless otherwise stated.


NevadaRadio £249.95

Jabber Products £254.49 (maybe includes shipping)

Truckerswereld €319.95 ( £287 )

Konektor5000 1,250 Zl ( £263 )

President Czech Republic 5,890 KC ( £207 )

Neuner Funk (NO EU Sales) €319 ( £286 )

Barceloaebarcelosl €269 ( £240 )

So we’ve looked at the UK, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany and Spain and all prices seem within reason.. True Czech is the cheapest but the people who always state rip off Britain. Prices seem fine to me in comparison. Plus add shipping from those outside UK then you’ve spent a lot more.

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