*New CB* Midland M88 £159.95

Sincere thanks to Mike D from Nevadaradio whose very kindly sent me news on the new Midland M88. I’m lucky that I’ve tried one and it worked really well indeed. So I think first seller in the United Kingdom to shoe there hand! Below my ad-hoc video. It’s a temporary one as the better video is in production as we speak. The thing with this radio I guess more than any is read the manual. This now I’ve completed and the video goes live in the week. The one on here is a place holder and will be replaced. Enjoy all the news below.

The one that I had was a pre-release version so maybe shows up differently to the release version. I can’t tell you as I’ve not seen a released one, sorry.

Brochure: https://tinyurl.com/y5arr99y

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    • It maybe look like something else but under the hood it’s very very different. The one of the video is a pre-release so I’m not sure what changed between the one I had and the new released ones.

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