*UPDATED* President George II

There was a time along with its brother the James the George was the original multi-norm. And now seems the “Jigsaw maybe comes together” as a cryptic drawing was found by CB Radio Netherlands. First off don’t get excited! With chip shortages, component issues and time then maybe this isn’t coming so quickly! That being said the need for a George II has always been there. And always President had the desire to do it. But only when the time was right, only when what they wanted was available and when just maybe something different was needed. Maybe this time is approaching? It’s in the new catalogue so guess wait and it’ll come along when it’s ready.

John has put the puzzle together

What we can see or guess?

Looks something like a Grant II. Multi function display something like the lines used on McKinley EU/USA so guess we expect power, modulation or microphone gain. Memory channels, CTCSS, DCS, USB for charging devices too. Externally it appears Grant II on steroids meets McKinley, meets Stryker, meets 5555N. And sure it’ll be AM FM SSB

What I can guess?

Jackson II is now long in the tooth, the Grant II will soon be also a memory. Technology has moved on super quickly recently. That’s the key! The technology has moved along in such a way and speed the George II could come with some really good stuff inside. And now we wait!

Earliest Q4

Will or Won’t It? President George II

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  1. It looks like some kind of recording feature on the display!

  2. I’ll look forward to that, we have two grant twos, and a McKinley, I do still rate, but I’d be up for that, as it looks more flexible than the grant.

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