*New* USDR QCX SDR Transceiver

Interesting and rather small 8 band SDR QRP Transceiver popped up so we thought we’d add it here on the blog. I’ve seen it for around $155 excluding shipping, import taxes and shipping. Comes with 5 watts power, VFO A/B, DSP (Digital Signal Processor) with various step functions, charging cable, place for external antenna to use portable. Seems a lot for the money.

eBay: 11494499326

160-10 meters

10 watts when used at 13.8 volts

TCXO And more

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  1. Il firmware permette forse di poter usare l’USDR QCX SDR anche in 11 metri?

  2. Good little radio and very compact. Could it be used on 11m it would be even better, but even the price is very good,there seem to be lots of this type of radios getting on the markets, and lots are liking them

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