Super Star 3900 “What I Think”

So the radio isn’t out and about in the free world so let’s try and guess based on imagination, ideas and other things what could be done to this radio.

PC Programming. It’ll be simplex, won’t offer split but guess if you want for example change channels per band guess that’s how it’ll be. Meaning add muppets in export mode on band F for example. NRC seem to be mentioned so maybe software allows to set it up. Best place on adjustable NRC if it’s adjustable is TX2, RX2 but we don’t know totally if it has it? Roger Bleeps maybe 6-8 but must hopefully keep the iconic one from all the years. Time Out Timer will be software based for sure also. No Memory Channels

Behaviour. I imagine it’ll behave something between a DX5000, 5555Plus N and in this area. Should be loud but always people will want louder. Programming socket location and type not known yet as not available. Guess fully open 25-30 or maybe even 24-30 but you’ll need loose some to gain others. Deliveries begin 23 January so real exciting times ahead.

And no adjustment board, no pots to break and drifting now should be game over and no need mention it again.

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  1. You can make it ‘export’ 25.615 till 30.105 MHz and 45 Watts AM, 30 Watts FM/SSB. The DX-5000/AT-5555 PLUS have I think more functions/settings, but it all depends on what you are going for of course.

    • Thanks Jan. My meaning DX5000/AT5555+ board of a similar design and style. Agree absolutely about functions. It would be wrong to have a 3900 which is all some other radio. EXCITING times now waiting hardest part (like always)

  2. Is there a Scan funktion? Or do i have to switch the channels on search for a busy one?

  3. I think it’s a radio for those who like the vintage look, but with a latest generation circuits that marks a technical evolution.

    The price to which it seems announced is reasonable, I see it a commercial success.

    The other brands only have to wake up and evolve their devices, otherwise they will disappear in the medium term.

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