Could V3 Be Lucky For You?


So here it is, first small report in the UK, the EU and places elsewhere. The planned President Lincoln II Version 3 is now around and about so the first ones are landing as we speak. First off as you see there is a nice sticker on the box showing the Version so there is no mistake as to what you have. There is no information on the radio in the form of a sticker, just the box. Dealers I believe will know the versions they have also, and as there is previously only 1 version till now from the stores it is easy to see.


V1: Initial Released Version
V2: Modified First Series Radios either direct via GPE or Dealers. NOT SOLD ON MARKET
V3: New version with all the modifications of the V2 and other changes too

First off you can see what must be new firmware is on the inside. The radio behaves differently when compared to my V2 and with the V1 it is leagues apart with how it behaves. The display which shows the volume and squelch reacts faster and seems more solid to the touch. Channel change does not miss channels out like in the previous and feels more secure to the touch. Is it perfect? I will say no as nothing is perfect but compared to the V1/V2 yes it is perfect. There is more President on this radio, you can see and smell it in the air.

There is “something” when you feel it that lets you know it is different. Below is an initial video to show some of the changes. ON AIR will be done when storms are over and can go to the car and do this for you. Now is the time just to show that it is there and ready for you.

Sent from Iphone5