Grant II or Lincoln II That is the Question?

So another interesting time on the horizons it seems. President to release two radios, both with SSB. One a Amateur Radio that with a CH9/CH19 button offers its DNA as a CB and one a CB that comes with 11m.

One is from Uniden, the maker of the worlds favourite SSB Radios

One is from Qixiang, new on the scene and shaking the radio world to its core

The Grant, well it is shown as a 26965-27405 banded radio and on the other hand it says “all European standards” so would they be so stupid to release a radio with only 40 channels? I think not but of course we don’t know hard and fast at the moment. And export mode? Will it follow the same old Grant with 120 channels or do the full 400. Again we must wait and see.

The Lincoln, that we know is 28000-29700 and what about export? I have read online from the “experts” that it is 24000-30000 and also 26000-28000 plus 26000-29600 and again hard to speculate as none delivered and none available to be reviewed. But if tradition is to be observed then it could be 26000 upwards as the Harry II and Harry III went down the same 120 channel export route.

What we do know and this is what kills the hobby. More people will talk about how the money burns in there pockets and will fork out nothing. Talk and type is easy, real men take the cash out and try it for themselves

What we do know hard and fast is thanks to President Electronics Romania who released the information about the Grant II today. Before it is online in France.

And remember to follow them on FaceBook, always something interesting, sometimes funny too and well worth following.

The same is for President Electronics Poland where you can see “Mr.President” which is the rarest of all.