The Balancing Act Of Noise

Thanks to Dealer Z who contacted me and told me that “I’ve really upset some people” about my stand on the White noise and Grant II radios. My response was short and to the point “It was my pleasure” the radio has issues, all videos except maybe 2 show the radio with an much noise as it can fit on the signal meter.

People have different lives and situations, houses are different as chalk and cheese. YouTube search and you see all the radios there with the same situation, unless over signal 4/5/6/7 you don’t make a contact.

50th year of Uniden as a company tainted by nasty noise in the Grant II. Jackson II Classic doesn’t suffer. So shows there is something inherent wrong in the Grant II.

Uniden search the blog now almost daily “grant noise” president grant noises” “white noise trouble”

So they are looking. If not any issue they wouldn’t waste time looking? The logic of an outsider looking in.

Christmas time mistletoe and wine, customers selling there Grant II’s online 

Above an adaptation from a song that seemed to suit well.

Promised a lot, delivered some good, nice design, nice sound on AM and FM. But the heel was the noise level from the radio in more houses and in different locations, not just EU but USA and EU a like.

Can’t make good, don’t make SSB stuff. Stick with AM/FM and Jackson II. Logical reasoning really. But guys and ladies remember in the cars there is no mostly and these are mobile radios. So maybe the truly “This radio is truly mobile radio and cannot be used at home due to noise and it’s a mobile radio remember” should be on the advert.

Sad I’ve upset people. That’s not nice being told. But what about those with radios that cannot be used, sit in cupboards (mine sit gathering dust) send them to engineers at more cost to make Petteri modification. Buy them to sell them at a loss on eBay. £106.50 for a used Grant II yesterday with warranty seal still on it. If was so perfect it wouldn’t be sold?

If was labelled Anytone Grant II £129 would be forgiven. But President “Engineered to be the very best, they’ll last years and have the best CB radio warranty in world” so it’s £229. No excuse. No patience, No redemption as should have been resolved.

Happy to be not liked. Years to come this blog and myself like now will be vindicated as the videos, the emails show, people in forums discuss, Facebook discussion groups all know what we know! It’s not right.

President Know it, Uniden know it! If wasn’t an issue why search a blog by a CB user not working in a CB related business, not working for a maker, not working for a sales company, not anything to do with anything in the business. Just a simple user with a blog.

Normally end of year I’m searching in gutters and ditches as its one of the times President pops up with something. This year not looking! First time in 15 years as don’t see anything really wow coming.

Below is a video of a Lincoln II and it shows the noise level and a voice can be heard through it. On my Grant II it is just noise and a voice this low couldn’t be heard

And customer care is in France, not Budapest. I’ve come to end of help President users with issues with radios. You need 

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  1. So Uniden/President don’t like people telling the truth? I was fortunate enough to be able to sell on my Grant 2 for near enough what I paid for it. Back to the old school Uniden stuff for me.

    • Sadly President don’t like it. It’s a job thing I guess.

      (A) People who sit inside are blinkered

      (B) Customers are idiots till proven they are right.

      (C) Make 10,000 sell 10,000 then it’s a good item (6.250 sit on shelves in dealers) and dealers are spineless to tell reality.

      (D) Day 2 I said of first series Grant II it’s noisy. Say the same till today. I said it via email at President. Not believed, not trusted, not listened too.

      (E) At this time currently on this day unless changes are made its done for SSB in EU. Albrecht better than Uniden made I never thought in my lifetime these words I write.

      Sad times, it’s like seeing an old friend struggling. Sad times…

  2. It’s like with tha chicks…if the super princess is a narcissistc stupid…after a while i start looking at the cowgirls – shure knowing what i’ll get. As kid we spend a lot of time with having fun on the grant and only the word grant brings that glimmer in our eyes. Now iam old … but not fat 🙂 i heard the words grant 2 and that old feelings come over me = i need it!!! Was searching for a small, legal ssb radio for my van – modern styling and low amps for portable backpacking and mobil. So i first fall in love with the grant 2 … but now the landradio-ham-mixture (anytone6666) become more and more nice to me. If it’s ok iam writting my thoughts in tha wizards blog cause everyone (president) can read. Tha grant2 sound like a digitalbeginner from 2000 … same issues like the first PC recording cards = cold and harsh sound + digitalcrackles. President now – with the grant 2 premium – make shure that they will loose a lot of buyers! Sometimes progress is to step back. Perhaps they should at some tubes for nicer soundig. My feelings for the Grant 2 are gone and i feel free for other chicks.

    • Yes it’s sad tale. In 2000’s things should be going forward not backwards. President read but never comment, Uniden read never comment. Maybe if close eyes, put fingers in ears and go hmmmmmmmmmm you never find any troubles. I first keyed the Mike in 78 was a President so was my CB1.

      Hundreds of mails in 2014-2015 all ask help as I’m the one who knows them best. Appeals for help, and when President either ignored them or couldn’t help I was asked. And end result I think is this. When your surrounded only by people who want peace, quiet and there jobs all safe and secure a few voices who say something is bad will be ignored. Rocking the boat isn’t wanted or required.

      Anytone 6666 isn’t perfect by a long way. Gets too hot, needs a different Mike as standard one isn’t so good, can sometimes sound robotic on incoming signal but for £136 best UK price I see now and 60w it’s a better investment as doesn’t get S7 noise like my Premium.

      Feel free to date other brands, they’ll love you the same, sometimes better and end of day as many have said in the last many months “Your the first person to tell us this comment” when I’ve said it since Day 2 Grant II was released. It’s a noisy radio.

      MFG to you Sven

  3. Dear Mrs and Mr. President.

    Uupps it’s xmas again … and for me the second year of reading and waiting for a grant come back in my live again. Just bought me a nice old VW-Bus like my younger days and wish to put a grant2 in it. Checked one G2 out of a friend of mine and this one sounds harsh to my ears – nothing to listen to on a longer roadtrip. So what can i do ? again no xmaspresent for me and myself and the van??? Ithink i grab me an anytone6666 for the half!!!

    • Cannot add much. Jackson II Classic has a lot less noise than Grant II. Why not drop President an email to groupe@ address. Maybe they will start listening to more customers when they ask?

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