522KM On PMR 446Mhz

Thanks to Jean for the link to a video of another superb contact on the 446Mhz band. This time from the French Pyrenees mountains and the distance some 522km. As we all know I’m sure with PMR height matters and again this proves the case. Radio isn’t a PMR radio it’s a Yaesu and we’ve no idea of antenna or power used but the contact is made. Myself I remember in 2004 we were experimenting with PMR SSB on 446Mhz. That is rocking too although ultra frowned upon in all aspects but the fun was testing. Made some 200km with 5w and a /-/-/-/-/-/ Yagi. Plus 147km on just a watch! It’s there and just need time, effort and energy to chase the DX.. But maybe now with 16 channels becoming legal it will be easier.

Got more videos? Please keep sending them and I’ll keep featuring them…

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