Delta Romeo eXtreme Network

News ahead of time for the DX’ers. Wednesday evening Scott DRX111 will be active for a midweek net of the eXtreme team. Below we’ve a photo of the location and also the news directly from Scott. Those of us outside of the UK remember the time is BST so 1 hour less than us in the EU.

News from Scott:

Delta Romeo eXtreme DX Group Net

Date: Wednesday 18/04/2018

Time: 1800-2000

Frequency/Mode: 27.365MHz USB

Location: Titterstone Clee Hill, Shropshire, England (26 div) (Trig Point) 1720ft ASL

Host: Scott 26DRX111

Its my pleasure to announce the first DRX net in a very long time, for this I apologise to all of you. Hopefully the frequency I have chosen does not cause any other nets an issue. Those hosts on adjacent frequencies are between 80 and 150 miles away. Tomorrows weather is set to be the best this year so far, so if there any other operators who want to try portable, tomorrow is a good time. Good luck to everyone, everyone is welcome and I look forward to your calls.

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