It’s Sunday again so it’s time to head over to 27.365 USB for the Delta Romeo DX Net this time chaired from Oswestry in Shropshire. Below we’ve news from one of the chairmen of the net with the times and details. I’m going to give it another go but maybe conditions won’t be on my side. But I’ve Big Giulia with me this weekend and she’s always up for the fight! If you remember Big Debbie she’s still in the picture but quieter at the moment.

18/11/2018; Delta Romeo Dx Group Net,

Venue; Oswestry, 1400ft ASL,

Usual Frequency; 27.365MHz,

Usual Mode; USB,

Time 11.00-14.00 ish….We may start early…..

Hosts, David 26DR017, Scott 26DR111,

Hope to hear you out there,conditions permitting.ALL GROUPS,ALL STATIONS,ALL NATIONS, Are welcome to call into this net.

Thanks for looking De David 26DR017

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