*NEW CB?* Romania CB Mini

Again another radio that looks like something we know but a little different to the real original version. The radio below is named the “CB Mini” and by description has a maximum distance of around 20km when installed in a motor vehicle. The price of this radio is 280 LEI which equates to around €59 / £52 Thank You Radu for your kindness to send me the information via Facebook.

Tip Statie auto
Distanta de lucru 20 km
Frecventa 25.610 – 30.105 MHz
Functii Scanare canale ASQ Apelare canale de urgenta 9 / 19 S-metru RF-gain
Greutate 450 g
Dimensiuni (D x H x W mm) 15x14x2.5
Altele Putere de emisie: 4W AM / FM
Accesorii incluse Suport prindere microfon Suport prindere statie Microfon cu 6 pini

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One comment

  1. That is how that radio should have came out in the first place?!

    I have also seen them listed on aliexpress with RJ-45 Michael connectors

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