Whose Going FM USA?

A lot of mails about who could be bringing new or re-hashed radios across for FCC testing to get them accepted for sale in the USA. Let’s start with what could be the easiest models. This based on clay pigeon shooting. Meaning the clay is thrown in the air and BANG could it be a miss or a hit! So let’s see what could make the cut?

Ultimately radios in crisis eat the moment. Parts are harder to find and more expensive. Chips are drying up no matter China or Taiwan. Delivery costs higher, lead times longer. Whatever happens it’ll take time.

President Bill. A bit long in the tooth now maybe but to add FM not much work firmware wise. 40 channels FM/AM no export features.
Newbie Randy FCC Could be as would be an interesting addition to the FM & AM market as feedback is the radio is liked.

Cobra petitioned hard but I don’t see anything near ready to be honest. Maybe new addition Cobra 29 could be, or maybe the HH50 updated for FM?

Can see it Cobra 29 AM/FM but needs new maker and some updating possibly.
Will they try FM on HH50 to try and steal some Randy sales?

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  1. A revamped Randy FCC am/fm
    A Barry II FCC am/fm
    A McKinley FCC am/fm

    HH50 plausable with new pcb

    But agree parts are some issues
    Plus most will have WX channels on usa versions too.

    Ranger could be a contender but it must meet the new super narrow fm FCC specs 8K0 F3E bandwidths and correct max deviation of 2.00khz max
    300hz ctcss/dcs dev
    Fm decriminator detection 60% dev=1.25khz deviation for recovered audio detection

    To meet the new FCC (SN)FM specs
    Still ,I think this is s great step forward in USA 👍

  2. I hope for a lot of new cb radios including base stations.
    And thank you Simon. 55 + 73 from Bernd in Germany

  3. Hi all! Of course, many people in the US enjoy FM in their FRS/GMRS handy talkies and most probably don’t know mode from schmode. And there’s nothing wrong with that. This is a huge opportunity for makers and importers to stimulate a new generation of CB radio buyers with the promise of longer range (than HTs) and better audio than AM CBs. Will they make the effort to educate the buying public? I hope so. FM = FUN MODULATION! Radio enthusiasts have dabbled with it on the channels here for years. Just don’t tell the Friendly Candy Company. Thanks for all you do for the hobby, Simon.

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