Delta Romeo DX Group Net Is Back!

28/05/2023, Delta Romeo Dx Group Net,
Venues, various within the UK,
Frequency, 27.365MHz,
Mode, USB,
Time, 10.00-12.00 Although this may vary.
Apologies to those that make the effort each week to call into the net, I renewed my Vows with my wife. It was emotional seeing many family members that i have not seen in many years…. Also thanks to those that made the effort that were invited from the group and Team too….
I have it on good authority that the skip has been rolling well into Europe for best part of last week and also some short INTER G skip which effectively means that Scotland signals were dropping nicely down to the S.W. of England and on the odd occasion into the Midlands too…. This is not a definitive answer to the INTER G skip but it gives an example of it.
As usual ALL GROUPS, ALL STATIONS, ALL NATIONS, are welcome to call into this net…. Even the morons that do not like for me to advertise in their groups….. lol…. I have always had a reciprocal allowance for these groups to advertise in the DR Groups i run but no more, just for the sake of their vanity…. I have over 5000 people i can reach in short-order, but this group has maybe 150, seems they are cutting off their nose to spite their face to me…. so be it.
Locations will vary, but please have a listen get logged and in the very near future we will be writing up the logs for all to see again… Health and life has had this way of dropping things directly in our paths and has dictated to us that we need to prioritise what we do and when….
Also keep an ear open in the USA, ch16 LSB, Charles has suggested we could do with a DR calling channel (27.155MHZ)…. Those in the US please show support and when the skip starts rolling worldwide if you hear stations on this frequency , respond to them and share details so others can join you…. Thanks for looking.
Ears will be open for those MOBILES, PORTABLES, QRP CALLERS, SDR RX ers, GAPS will be left for them to give it a shout….
Thanks for looking, de 26DR017 David

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