Crystal DB477E “Real Life Photo” UHF CB Radio

Thank you most sincerely to Vic from Perth in Australia whose kindly sent us a snap of his Crystal DB477E which looks very much like the Anytone Smart but is designed for the UHF band and comes 80 channels and 5w power. This would be perfect also for us in Europe should we ever get a UHF CB system which many are asking about now for the last 10-11 years.

So here is a little more news and then the photo. In Vic own words:

As you can see the S meter is on the right and vertically oriented. The lower case r indicates that the channel has been set for repeater operation. The dot at the top indicates that that channel is in the scan group. Channels 1 to 8 and 41 to 48 are the designated repeater channels. Here in Perth we have 4 repeaters, there are many more repeaters throughout the rural areas and nearly all trucks and farm vehicles have UHF radios”


Looks to me sure we need it in Europe.

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One comment

  1. It really depends on the country. Australia is a wide open country and UHF is very much line of sight communication. In a heavily urbanised country like some of the European countries, UHF is short range.

    VHF is a much more usable frequency. Nearly all radio sold are dual banders, but in the UK, nobody uses UHF, it is VHF only. UHF is fine for professional use (handhelds), on site etc, where the distance will never be more than half a mile and sure, you can put a collinear on your wall, to give you better range. The number of times I have had a QSO on 70cm? None, not ever.

    I could see UHF CB turning out to be another 934MHz.

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