Pirate Shortwave Radio


Many asked about this and as not home and not really having a lot of time it went onto the back burner. But here is a website of a gentleman who seems to share as much passion as the people who contacted.

I have a list here of some of the sites but found the two below to be two of the best. Reception reports, contact details etc. Take a look and know better ones then please drop me a line..


I guess at one stage or another we’ve all listened on shortwave? Whether it be to long distance transmissions in the old days from the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and indeed Radio Netherlands had an excellent show about DX running for many years. Hmm not sure if it still broadcasts it but was indeed excellent.

Got the time and the equipment then have a listen. There is also a twitter feed not from this site but also online for the pirates to take a listen and see what is out there on the air.

And if you hear a Pirate station then drop them an email.


Above is a list of some of the addresses used. It gives a good incentive to start listening again when you can see all that is out there, and seems now to be more than ever…