Delta Alfa LOTA Weekend 2015

Some people chase windmills while some need to make new islands on the air or indeed inland waterways islands on the air. Then there are those who chase new countries and then lighthouses on the air (LOTA) Well the DA Group has a LOTA weekend active on the 26-27th September 2015 and more information is found below.


News and information for the event can be found at: and indeed some real good stations will be on the air from the lighthouses including my friend Mike 077 and seasoned IOTA, IWI and DXCC hunters Gui & Fabrice who will activate the following:

14IR/FRA086 Cape Gris nez LH

14IR/FRA089 Boulogne south west pier LH

14IR/FRA054 Boulogne north east pier LH

So watch the clusters for the information.

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