Optima MK3 ” Back in Stock “

Over 200 emails this year asking about when will the Optima MK3 be back on the shelves for sale. Well the news is positive and indeed they are now back on sale in limited quantities in the UK with audio issues solved.

It’s good news for all those who told they had money burning there pockets waiting for its return to the shelves. So follow the link and get that radio ordered

Photo: (c) http://www.yeticomnz.com

eBay item number:301734820794

Yours for a bargain £239.99 

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  1. This is good news. The Optima is the only “real” radio with SSB on the market in this segment. It is worth the money. It’s a real radio. Proper selectable steps and full 12-10 operation. This is the radio that the other manufacturers need to look at, to finally understand what a radio needs, and doesn’t need to be excellent.

    • Yep and has 24.5 upwards something that President and Qixiang with just exception of SR955 cannot understand!! It’s #2015not1997 12-11-10m needed like AE5890EU has inside

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