President Henry Classic ASC 12/24v Have you found one?

A long time ago I put out an APB (All Points Bulletin) about where to find the new version of the Henry. It’s a Harry II more or less with dual voltage and some other updates. Well still not seen one anywhere at all.  Whether they are limited, sold out, not available I’m not sure so for now I’ve given up looking 

The Harry II was an excellent radio and was sadly missed and now seems the new Henry is hiding. After checking all the usual suspects and even asked at a well known reseller to be told “they didn’t know it existed” so that tells another story.

Simple AM/FM radio, ASC for the car, Dual Voltage for trucks and works with Liberty. Sure it does not have 400 channel mode only a, b, c but sometimes we need to really go back to basics with radio. Don’t need echo or 15 coloured displays, what is needed is good audio, good AM sound and quality.

1978 when many of us started it was simple radios working well. AM was the way, and still is really.

All I can find out anywhere is it comes soon here:

Maybe it will be a holiday season released radio. Have you got one, seen one, let me know

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