President Grant II Premium Comes “No Noise” Factory Version March / April 2016

Thank you to Dealer J who sent me an email and some evidence that the Grant II which comes in April (TBC) will have had modifications made at the factory that has killed almost 95% of the noise issues that some suffered with. This I understand was told while ordering new radios. I’m told just some details and these will be mentioned here after the break.


As we know some people in base station configuration had high noise levels. (I have) and I’m told that where a noise level was shown on the radio before as an S7/8 on the new version is S1 1/2 and on SSB a S6 is now a S1/2/3 which is huge compared to the recent version. Don’t know more but I’ve been promised a radio from the dealer when it lands with him as I’m a little suspicious of course. So maybe I have 7 radios high levels time will tell.

Now like you the long wait as Easter comes also in March so guess we really need patience now (Something I’m short on when waiting for something new)

So there was work in the background, that is positive. Thanks to Uniden for there views the past 3 1/2 months and hope you’ll still be regulars here. Thanks to those who listened, mailed and sent videos too.


Like all radio equipment two sides of coin. Delta Alfa Tim had no noise on his Grant II and sent it to me had S9 at my home. So some had the noise and some didn’t have it. So that’s the fact.

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  1. What about the lincoln2v3 as this suffers from the same problem ?, i got a S7-9 at home while other receivers(like a Lowe hf225)and transcievers( old Grant1) have a normal S2-3

    • I also have noise at home, but some don’t.. Hard to get all things right for all people. Many messaged me nothing was wrong with Grant II when I sat with S8 noise.

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