“Exclusive” Anytone Apollo II Dual Band Ham Radio

**March 1st. Debut** Now look at this! Who in the EU will stock this little lady first? This is an exclusive look at the Apollo II Ham Radio (still in designing stage, 3-4 months till prototypes) and will cover 136-174 and 400-480Mhz with the all important 6.25Khz step and of course PC Program. Below us the first photo! Looks nice? 

Above of course is direct via factory and below some other information

200 channels, 2.5KHz、5KHz、6.25KHz、10KHz、12.5KHz、20KHz、25KHz、30KHz及50KHz, 

Power Levels = 25W / 15W / 5W

CTC/DCS/DTMF/2TOE/5TONE, wireless mike, scrambler(optional), app control( optional for future )

Audio can be heard from the speaker and microphone. Or audio from just mike or just speaker. So if radio remotely under consol in carthe audio can still be heard clearly. 


When in prototype it’ll be here, in photo, on video


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