Midland M Zero Plus “Inside”

Unlike other blogs we only talk bad about something when we have it in front of our nose. You can’t base hate on something you read online or simply base it on bigoted or idiotic ideas. Reason A: I got the Midland as couldn’t find a video of the inside online. Got the modification but not the video, so as a real radio blog invest in the radio cut the warranty seal and take a look inside.

Don’t buy can’t comment really. Above is the inside look at the radio via photograph and below is the video of the radio.

Next thing is make the modifications and see what can be done and how does it actually sound in air. Is it as bad as the other non owners have said?

Above “export enabled”

Interestingly when enabled the modification now shows 

5t Which guess means Standard 26515-27855

Po Which maybe means zero ending channels 26510-27860

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