*NEW* President Bill ASC Stuff….

So here it is fast off the press for those that’ll be hunting for it. But before we explain the details please remember you’ll loose the warranty and with the any extra watts the heat will be more just like on the Albrecht’s, CRT’s and others in the micro and mini series of radios. And for €110 for a radio invest in an amplifier if you need it as it’s the smart choice.Export: With the radio lay upside-down with the front facing you undo the screws and be very careful when remove the bottom cover as the speaker wire is quite thin. With this done look at the bottom right hand side inside the radio.It’s the white wire and jumper.Jumper in 1/2 it’s in multi norm mode with the white wire joined and in 2/3 it’s in export mode or should be with the white wire cut and insulated. Radio Covers A-L plus UK40 channels and mode displays FM, AM the UK on third press. And importantly the radio covers the Alpha channels in the correct order and channelization so be careful on 19 Mid as two channel the same number but you need 27.185 not 27.195 which is the @ channel (in between channel) The Display channel number flashes on A channels and solid on normal ones. So, clever idea on that! Shame the more expensive Ronald was not ok. I’ve seen that you can take out components for power, FM Modulation and AM Modulation according to Thorsten in Germany. This I’ll not show as the board is non adjustment.Export Power: All I’m able to say it should do something. In my case on the one I had a look at (dealers sample) it made 3.78w on FM and after move jumper etc it made almost 6.2w and the rest I don’t know. It will apparently make 20w FM and 6w AM which the one that was here made 6.2w AM on the meter and all ok. When and if you try it let me know if you’ve got yours before mine arrives.And it’s fine for RED Directive.All Rights Reserved (c) http://www.simonthewizard.com 2013-2018 Unauthorised Use / Or Duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to simonthewizard and http://www.simonthewizard.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.