*PNI Monday* PNI Escort HP55 “Inside Story”

This time we are looking at the PNI HP Escort 55 all in the hand transceiver. Coming to the market in March 2021 I’d like to thank PNI for there kindness to let me take a look at an early arrival. Like the previous PNI it’s got some goodies hidden away too. First Mike cable is a bruiser. It’s an RJ45 to RJ45 cable and it’s really quite a heavyweight. Nothing thin about this. Heavy, well made cable. All EU norms on the inside and in fact 3 different bands you can select from a menu. We cover this on the video that’ll be live in the next day or so. But this implementation means you can select all the EU norms plus PX (25610-30110) as well as RU (25615-30105) and PC which covers all the @lpha channels from 25-30 MHz. High Power Mode also available and it’s covered on the video. You’ll get around 10-12 watts FM and 8w AM unless you solder the transistor which is covered below. Excellent glossy instruction manual comes with the radio and explains it all.

Price. Excluding shipping and any import duties and taxes based on geographical location.

369.98 RON which equates as of today’s date €76 or £66 or $92

Two piece cable which is useful and comes with a cigarette lighter attached for easy set up in the vehicle or on power supply. Picture above you can also see the speaker. Sound from this also in conjunction with ASQ is good quality.

Below you see the bottom opened up. Board is small and compact. Some nameless adjustments inside and quite ok put together. It’s in a similar way to another board in the series from them and does its job quite ok.

Below. There is a way if you’d need it to make this radio 20 watts FM. The way is to short the transistor below by soldering across two pins. In this way you’ll also loose AM remember.

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