*News* President George II ‘Maybe’ €399

Link Below! Want it drop Markus an email but remember he’s busy but he’ll answer in the end!

€399 is a maybe price. Maybe it is more and indeed maybe it can be less. Most important of all something will come and in these times that’s the most important of all.

Better get saving money as the President George II has raised its head! Markus from Neunerfunk has announced it on his web shop with the “maybe” price although nothing confirmed. We will only know around week 13 of 2022 which relates to 28th Match onwards. On these grey days it is something good to see. But remember President don’t confirm, deny, show or even acknowledge stuff until it happens. So in the meantime unless we get a factory photo or something smuggled out of Balaruc we’ve got to wait and see. That being the bloody hard part.

Link: https://tinyurl.com/jn39kvp7

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