President Bill II FCC AM/FM Update

Sixteen yes 16 mails overnight from the USA and Canada about this new radio and asking me for more information and more details. Well a very kind person from President Electronics USA even though it’s Easter let us know a few new things. Some of them are below.

Question: Does it have NOAA – Yes it does

Question: Is it still small – Yes it’s sub compact

So the new Bill II has 7 NOAA channels and comes with the FCC approval of FM so you’ve the best of two worlds as it covers AM also. This is a sub compact radio so can fit in small places, is perfect for road trips, 4×4 off roading, farm use and general use where you need a small radio. This radio will be introduced in the coming months so get those wallets ready and a space in the shelf or in the car.

President Bill FCC AM (Old Version)

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