*REVIEW* Anytone Ares II

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  1. AGC on SSB is too slow meter never moves much, also average PEP talk power on SSB is low and no way to adjust..

    • Engineer mode can adjust talk power SSB but not many will tell the way to enter it as many bust radios when fiddling around inside

  2. very nice radio just needs to get the programming sorted and it looks ok i hate the square knobs
    just teething problems but really should be sorted before released to the public

    • It’s sold USA entry level so it’s fine. Not sold EU land only U.K. as non EU but they wanted muppets added! It’s a good standard no fuss “10/12m” radio. Never was made as a muppet banded radio

  3. Their is a problem with getting uk freq programed into radio and tuneing .. Link Below

    • I believe they are working on a dealer supplied update to allow UK channels. Meaning. In the future maybe it will come supplied with them installed. At the moment sure it’s hard as not designed to have the .125 as part of system so can only use 27.600 as example. It’s a matter of wait and wait at the moment

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