*Coming Soon* New Alan 42DS Battery Pack

LiIon battery pack for the Alan 42 (Plus/Multi/DS) – finally an up-to-date power option for the classic.

The product is not available yet – so it is not available in the shop. A selling price is approx. 49 Euros.

Voltage loaded, approx. 11.4 volts 2.8Ah capacity

It is charged via a USB-C port, which also provides fast charging. I was able to capture the current of about 1.5A at the fair.

A blue LED on the front informs about the charging process.

The Alan 42 DS can be reached with the battery pack approx. 2.8 watts (with the 8 battery socket and eneloop cells approx) 2.3 watts).

The processing is good and the battery pack is only a few millimeters higher than the provided 8-g vacuum box.

This is just a prospect, once the packs are also available, I will read about it here 🙂

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