*VIDEO* RCI 29 Base By Ranger 115w+

Check out the video by TruckCBSales

25.615 ~ 28.305 In areas where it’s permitted

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  1. Dear Simon,
    You’ve done good work in your blog over the last few months, lots of interesting posts.
    May you remember , I’m a big Ranger fan, so I’m interested in why Ranger has been very active with new products lately, innovations are constantly being presented. is there a new owner and new concepts? Why is 2970 N4 sold out everywhere, now I have money for it, but I don’t like the last generation of Mosfet. Maybe you have some background knowledge.

    • Hi Armin. Yes it appears indeed new people involved or around. Maybe something to do with EKL but not sure as not any replies to messages. N4 there is a BellsCB tuned radio on eBay for sale for €1500 it is there some days.

      Blog loads of hard work, and real hard work to keep it all goes well


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