The Case In Question Today Is The George II


As this was read so much yesterday about the non being I had a long think with the notepad and also ipad to see what actually would be needed if this was ever to take to the air and fly. Meaning if it was to be made somehow, sometime down the long and winding road.

* Suitable Manufacturer to see that the radio was indeed a progression from the last one.

Although 20 years old + It is still more advanced than the 5555 Series. See them side by side the George kicks its ass

* New & Interesting Ideas & Features

Hard. These days all have echo, SWR functions and the like. How about DATA Integration to make it easier to connect to the web for such things as EQSO and the like. CTCSS & DCS No Brainer as needs to be there. In this case the Thomas & William can be used as a mobile and a G2 as a base for example. Power, needs to carry all the legal standards and then maybe in export mode. I would have 10w FM, 10w AM & 20w SSB. No need to make more. Need more get an amplifier and most with these radios run them with amps so not needed more power. Adds stress and strain to the radio, not needed. The new Norms from the Box to make the UK channels have SSB/FM/AM directly at the push of a button, same goes for the PL Band. Makes easier. It also needs like a VFO Feature as the old George was set 5 and 0’s so this one would need to be able to drop let us say from 28.505 down to 28.500 by steps 504, 503, 502, 501 etc if you get my drift here. And the small bit’s in between also would also be nice. SPLIT yes needs that and also maybe a call tone would be good option. BUT it would need to decide if it was sold as a CB or an Amateur radio.

* Size Matters

Modern Days, Modern Cars need modern radios. So would need to be DIN size in my opinion. How about face off for security. Middle panel so just mike socket is left on view and the rest of the front is gone?  This would need to be checked for value for money as maybe not comes cheap. Black colour with no chrome to make it damaged.

* Keying The Mike

Sell it with no 6 pin wired mike. Sell it with Liberty. Safety is important and to show care sell with a cordless mike with option to buy a fitted wired mike. Sadelta made a hands free kit back in the day, re install this as an option for sales. Headset Mike with a boom. Now so early 2000’s yes so that is why I will go with Liberty as the first option.

* Investment

People think send an email to China and say ” Alright, Make me a new Radio and I will pay $80 at the factory gate”

Yes maybe can be, use another radio from someone else re named for me as Simon007 Multi. But it will inherit the issues from the original radio it is name changed from. You need to sit and think $200,000 is gone before you press the send button. Can be cheaper, can be more expensive. Depends who from and what you want.

* Timing

I was told once upon a time in the last century we send an fax to a maker and say we want a new radio with this and that. Then sit and wait 12-18 months till we are replied too. The reply can be as simple as OK we will do it, or we have made a test piece and will send it. So remember this when you see a radio and say it does not have this or that what you expected. Chances are it was conceived long time and now making to market.

* Outcome

A very long road filled with hazards and pot holes along the way. We all would like to see a new radio, whether a George II or indeed a Harrison II or whatever. But we must also be realists. Takes long time to realise, things change along the way, markets change at the click of a finger.

* And Who?

You have Uniden who have some interesting radios out there at the moment. Is there anything as of today date that could be used? I have looked and I don’t think so. Could they design one? Of course they are smart engineers but maybe the cost can be prohibitive. Qixiang. Yes they are out there and am sure happy to help. SR Corporation also make SSB Radios, as does GoodWill or indeed Bond Telecom make some stuff too. But President are thinkers, do’ers and also they are hands on so there will be a team thinking about it when and if it is realised it is not someone with a crystal ball and a cigarette packet to write thoughts on. It will be emails, calls, thoughts shared and the like.

* Next

The hardest part for the radio person. WAIT, WAIT and maybe even WAIT a little more