Crystal Delta DB477A UHF CB Radio

A radio that sure could be brought over to 27MHz this is another Qixiang prepared radio that looks case wise to be similar to the Anytone Mini and Smarts. This one is Australian 80 channel UHF Prepared and comes with the electret mike like we see with some of the other radios out of QX now. They have a big bin full of them waiting..


Now we need wait either for UHF Legalised in the EU or wait and sure this will come as something EU with 27MHz on board that is sure.

100 years ago President had a brand EMPEROR well if this was priced well and came with the same stuff as the AE6110 could be a flyer. But Emperor is dead, so will take on this radio? What is sure the market is big enough for this radio, export, high power, 0&5’s But who will get it when and if it comes? Another matter..

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  1. when will QX realize that if they are going to supply radio,s that can cover the 10 meter fm band that we need a split channel repeater shift and ctcss for working 10 meter repeaters,the little 6110 is a cracker but really no use for 10 fm work,a rea shame, and i am sure they could easily write this function into the firmware…..thinking of getting a 6110
    for a 10 meter beacon project,,,amazing price !!

    • But this is a CB for €59 not amateur radio. But there are some things from QX on the way that will be up your street so just need time and hope that the resellers are fine to pay a higher price for the added extras and not want to beat them down lower on cost. Factory price F.O.B. China is $25 on 6610 and for this there is a lot of radio included, things can only get better (if resellers will pay that is)

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