Midland M Mini Export Mode

I’d covered this in the youtube initial video about the radio. Seems it wasn’t enough and I’m still getting requests for the export modification and also the 10 metre band modifications. So I’ll cover it here another time. Remember the solder positions are super small and be careful as it’s super easy to make a mistake and when that’s done it’s really game over.

Close OP1 leaving OP2 Open: AE-LE 25615-30105

Close OP2 leaving OP1 Open: HA-HI 28.0-29.695

Close OP1 leaving OP2 Open: (Press RFGAIN and turn radio on) PA-PL 25610-30110

To get ZERO (0) ending channels press and hold RFGAIN

Higher Power: Press and hold PTT and RFGAIN and turn radio on. H on display 

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