“Look A Like?” Harrison II & Stabo

Bill from Walsall West Midlands has asked me to comment on the fact in his opinion that the now not coming President Harrison II looks like the recently released Stabo XM3008e as in his opinion they pass a “quite big lookalike” as he told me via the contact form. For me I’m sure the Stabo is based on the AT500m chassis and the Harrison II was going to from Uniden (maybe) honestly not sure.

Yes I see his opinion around the display and also see his opinion about the digits on the display but otherwise not much more to comment. Sure there could be more to it but I’m not guessing. I think the Harrison II has buttons from the JFK II and some other designs of other stuff from the past including the 787 rounded display, Lincoln II style controls. BUT it was one i was looking forward too and it didn’t come.

What will be certain is many radios will come looking the same or based on similar chassis and design. One size fits all! Programming will be different, features different but similar Internals. This was going to be the case whether COVID19 or not. They call it progress?

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