CB Repeater’s Czech Republic 🇨🇿

Recently with the release of the Albrecht AE6290 radio with repeater shift many have asked about it with me. And I’m interested in this and so have had a look around and can report about the Czech Republic and maybe some relays or repeaters to have a listen for? For sometime the technology was the issue and below we’ve a link and I suggest copy the text into Google or another engine and read the details. It’s really quite an interesting read.

Excellent website to have a look: https://tinyurl.com/u4efd7n4



Dobrá Voda v Novohradských horách JN78IR (on-air) – CH 55 – CTCSS 88.5 (RX i TX) (instalace 13.6.2021) – pokrytí Tábor i více na sever (jsou i spojení z Prahy), J. Hradec i dále směr Vysočina, Třeboňsko, Novohradsko, Písecko a Strakonicko

Hůry u Českých Budějovic JN79GA (on-air) – CH59 – CTCSS 88.5 (RX) – (instalace 14.6.2021) – pokrytí na Českobudějovicku, zasahuje na Táborsko a Pisecko

Leština u Zábřehu (on-air) – CH51 – CTCSS 88.5 Hz (nutné pro TX) – (instalace 14.7.2021) – pokrytí Zábřeh, Šumperk, Mohelnice a širší okolí.

Kleť, 1083 m n.m. (on-air) – CH18 – nutné CTCSS 88.5 pro TX, (instalace 18.7.2021) – pokrytí v okresech ČB, ČK a zčásti i ostatní jihočeské okresy, mnohdy i mnohem dále.

Svatý Jan nad Malší (okres Č. Krumlov) CH54 – CTCSS 88.5 (RX i TX) (instalace do konce 8/2021 – čeká se na dodání antén) – pokrytí Českokrumlovska, Českobudějovicka, Novohradské hory

Jistebnice (okres Tábor, poblíž areálu Monínec) CH56 – CTCSS 88.5 (RX i TX) (instalace po uvolnění místa po převaděči OK0BTA, který se bude stěhovat (výhled 2022)

V jednání je zatím několik dalších lokalit (mimo JČ kraj, tady už máme dostatek

Above it shows location, channel, CTCSS code and frequency. It’s something now to have a listen as conditions are good.

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  1. Hopefully ill have some news Si soon on UK cb “meshed-Linked” repeater/gateways soon.
    Just in progress finishing off the new revamp “Radio Interface Card “controller PCB
    Covid hasn’t been helping matters.

    It will be happening at some point in UK too, GPE (inc Randy III) & Albrecht radios will be used on the system.
    For UK prob be CTCSS “split tones” operation ( both mfrs support this mode too},
    not split channel as in those countries for legal reasons TBC.

    But def on cards in UK for private groups, farmers. out door types, hobby users
    It will evolve Zello push to talk app ,interlinking as well and bases are linked together to form “cells”
    as above in Simons picture.
    That’s all im saying for now ,ull just have to be patient as we want to get this right first time. Before releasing.
    Just wanted to address UK users, so don’t feel left out.

    P.S dont forget
    CH-16-16 (CTCSS tone no)-EU bands (simplex single tone ctcss tones) suggesting as a new calling-motor/\outdoor/campers and Hand talkie CTCSS monitoring\information channel ,

    Bit like our ch8-8 for PMR446,to get a taste of CB CTCSS in action, quiet squelch system on CB
    May give your ears a break from constant noises.
    Just a suggestion at the moment, nothing set in-stone. reason EU band ,it avoids clashes with older UK cb spec kit based on a older wider bandwidth FM system 11K0F3E VS the new ETSI kit on super narrow fm system 8K0F3E
    That’s my reasoning at the moment and will avoid some “technical issues”, but this could change.

    This is great news Si ,really for personal radio users and mfr’s finally on CB band ,its about time it happened, it will takes some time to catch on, like all new things.


    Rob P

    RPC Systems.

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