First EU Look Radioddity CB-500 Menu, Inside Story & Export Mode and FM Dev!

When you look inside this radio you are looking into the future of many resellers and importers radios. You can literally see new versions of mini radios like AE6110, AE6120, CRT Mike, CRT One V and not so much President as they are unique but the non fantasy brands you can see what can be done. Call it an experiment radio, call it a special one, call it a look to the future is the best way.

Repeater Shift combined with CTCSS and DCS (we’ve seen it)

5KC drop to make zero ending we have seen it also of course

FM Deviation of either 2Khz or 4Khz that’s something new

NOAA Sure won’t be on any EU radios

Band name rename and EMG changing we have seen also

So to the user it looks quite the same but you can see this radio is the start of a new future for the Qixiang produced radios. It’s more tidy, more professional looking, the board is strong, the sound is warm from a decent internal speaker and imagine all this in a much and I mean smaller board that could be a Bill 3 or AE6110 Mark 3 or AE6120 Mark 3. I’m not saying they will be, but as you see you can fit more into a tinier shell so the future is defined by how small you want to go and not IF you can go smaller. The bad side is we need to wait and it’s the bloody hardest but take a look inside and you are looking at radios from now onwards!

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